Receiving your Items from Pickup & Delivery Options


During the checkout process, you will have the option to select the day and time that you’d like to receive your groceries from a list of available times. Same-day delivery is available at most stores, and same-day in-­store pickup is available at all stores. There is typically a four ­hour window between placing an order and when it can be received.

After placing your order, you’ll receive an emailed receipt with a unique confirmation code. If you chose home delivery, simply give this code to the delivery driver when they arrive. If you chose in­-store pickup, there is a Priority Checkout Counter in the store for Rosie customers where you can provide your confirmation code and receive your groceries.

Covid-19 Update: You can now simply give your confirmation code to the store associate who brings the groceries out to you in the designated pickup parking area. 


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