Please view our Video Tutorial on what to do if you forget your password by clicking here
If you forget your password or would like to reset it for any reason, it's very simple to reset your password!
Step 1: Click the "Sign in"
Step 2: Click "Forgot my password?"
Step 3: Enter the email address you used to create your account and click "Submit."
If you receive an alert stating "Email not found," it is because the email entered has not been used to created a Rosie account. If so, you may use that email to create a new account by clicking the "Sign Up" option on the homescreen.
(You can click here to open this page in a new window.)
Step 4: Rosie will send an email, to the email you previously entered, with instructions on how to reset your password. This email will include a link returning you to the Rosie website.
Step 5: Click on the email that you received stating "Reset password instructions" after clicking on the link you will be brought back to fill out your new desired password.
Step 6: Enter your new password in both boxes and click "Reset Password."
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