Rosie suggests checking your spam/block folder. Sometimes Rosie emails can accidentally end up there as spam.
When you initially place an order you will be emailed a copy of your order confirmation. This confirmation will show prices based on estimated weights ordered. Because our Retailers select products when ordered, the item price you see in your shopping cart and the order placed/estimated receipt email may adjust once the final weight or quantity has been entered.
When your order is complete, you will receive a confirmation email which will include your final receipt. The email title will be similar to “Rosie: Your order P0000000-6 is ready. Your confirmation code is: XXXXXX” This email will also include if any refunds or substitutions had to be made by the store. The final receipt will also include a breakdown of substituted and refunded products. Each item is listed individually per line and includes a final updated total
If you do not receive your final confirmation within 24 hours of receiving your order please double check your spam folder and contact to have it resent.
Contact our Support Team at 1-855-767-4366 or