Issues with Items in your Order


Missing or Poor Quality Items

If you are missing an item from your order or if there is something wrong with an item you received, please call or email the store that your order was placed at. Your local store will able to quickly coordinate a replacement, exchange, or alternative resolution.

Prior to contacting the store, please carefully review your emailed receipt. It is possible that your requested item was substituted or out-of-stock. If an item is out of stock and is not substituted, you should see a $0.00 next to that product. 


Contacting the Store

To contact the store you placed the order at, please follow the below:

  1. You can find your store's phone number by clicking on your name on the upper right hand corner of your screen and select "Store Info". 





2.  When calling the store to request to add an item, please be ready to provide the following information:

    • First Name, Last Name
    • Your unique order number (example: P10925-4 or D10925-15)
    • Your unique confirmation code (example: CRD8T4)
    • The item(s) that you didn't receive, or received poor quality of, in your order. Please specify the brand, product name, flavor, size and any other preferences (organic, gluten-free, etc.) to help the store hand-select your item.



Contact our Support Team at 1-855-767-4366   or .




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