On sign-up, new Rosie users will be asked to provide a confirmation code, which will be sent to the email associated with their Rosie account. In some cases, users who have not used Rosie in some time will also need to input a confirmation code.
This guide will take us from sign-up to confirmation code.
To start, new users will need to go to https://shop.rosieapp.com/register.
When creating an account, be sure to note carefully what email and password you use.
You will want to make an account and ignore the prompt to shop as a guest, as that will eventually lead to the site asking you to sign up later.
As soon as you make your account, two things will occur. On the screen/tab, you used to sign up, you will be prompted to pick a store. Pick the store that you choose to shop, most convenient for you.
The other item that will occur, is that you should get an email from Rosie, with the subject line “Rosie Email Confirmation Code for shop.rosieapp.com”.
The code will have to be put in the Rosie website or app, found here: https://shop.rosieapp.com/
When you get this code, you can copy and paste it into the area indicated, or you may manually enter it.
These codes do have an expiry date of about 10 minutes, so shoppers will need to find the place to put them.
The place to put them can be found by accessing the checkout. After doing your shopping, you will get a prompt similar to this one as soon as you press the checkout button.
Because some shoppers may not get the prompt right away, the code may have expired due to time spent filling up the cart. That is perfectly fine. To get a new code, press the following button.
At this point, you’ll have already selected a store. This means the subject line for the email will be similar to an example like “Belmont Market Email Confirmation Code for weaverstreetmarket.rosie.shop”, if, for example, you had Belmont Market as your retailer/store.
Note, that if you press the “Resend Confirmation Code” button too many times in a short timeframe, it may cause the Rosie site to not accept the code due to so many being requested. If this occurs, you will have to wait an hour.
If after waiting an hour, you still experience any issues, feel free to contact support@rosieapp.com. Be sure to include the most recently received Confirmation Code in your email.
If you do not get any code at all, and you have checked the All Mail, Spam, and Trash folders in your inbox, similar to as shown below, feel free to email support@rosieapp.com. Be sure to include any troubleshooting details you have done yourself in the email so that the support team can better help you.
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