There are various different ways that a charge can be shown on a customer's bank statement. At times you may see several charges appear on your statement in this manner due to the variance charges. (Variance charges occur when a price fluctuates, i.e. weighted items, such as apples; and substitutions, as if an item you wanted to purchase is not available and you have substitutions selected, the retailer will adjust the price to satisfy the price of the substitution.)
Authorization Order
When the customer places an order, we associate the Rosie card ID with their order. The card is authorized during checkout for the order's estimated total. This appears as a pending transaction on the customer's statement (Ex. "ROSIEAPP.COM 123456-12"). Please note: this authorization is pending and is not the actual charge for your order, which will process once your order has been picked up or delivered.
Final Total
For orders with a final total greater than the estimated total, a second charge is processed for the variance. This charge appears as "Online Grocery - Rosie" on the customer's statement. (Example: you ordered a ribeye steak for $10.00 but the actual weight of the steak brought the price to $11.00, you would see a second charge for the additional $1.)
No Alcohol
For an order that does not contain alcohol, this appears as "ROSIEAPP ORDER # 8557674366 NY" on the customer's statement.
For an order that does contains alcohol, this appears as" STORENAME LOCATION, STATE US" on the customer's statement.
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